Thursday 18 February 2010

Example Of One Completed Questionnaire

From these questionnaires we gathered lots more information on what our target audience finds effective in horror films. After analysing all the results we found that the majority of people had similar answers. We discovered that scary music and creepy looking characters is what scares them the most in horror films. Also that the setting is very important in how the audience feel throughout the film. Such as dark mysterious places, haunted houses and house in the middle of nowhere. The question ‘do you prefer horror films being based on a true story on fiction’ got mixed reviews, however a larger amount of the answers was ‘fiction’ some people commented that true stories is a lot scarier as they feel it may happen to them so they do prefer to watch fiction films as they know they are safe and it is for enjoyment factors only. We found that a large amount of respondents preferred an unexpected twist, this has given us ideas to use lots of twists and unexpected events in our horror film. All this information has inspired us and given us ideas on the development of our horror film trailer.

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