Wednesday 2 December 2009

Horror film blogs that we have researched

We researched some different blogs that we found over the internet. These blogs are by people that love horror films. They send posts promoting new films, films they have just seen, quotes, images, toys etc.. We feel that this was important in our research as it allowed us to see all the different things that we could include on our website. This is a good way to keep our audience interested. By having blogs and chat forums included on our webpage this allows the users to stay interested and chat about what they find interesting and what their favourite part about a horror film is. By posting images and clips on our website this also makes our page look busy so the viewer has a lot to look at and therefore wont get bored when browsing through our site. We found that dark colours were very popular among horror sites as they represent blood, fear, hate and danger and perfectly suit our chosen genre of horror as if we chose to use bright colours such as pink, yellow and blue it would not be clear that we are pormoting a horror movie.

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