Wednesday 5 May 2010

Centre number, centre names, candidate name and candidate number

Centre Name: John F Kennedy School
Centre Number: 17131
Candidate Name: Amba-May Bottrill
Candidate Number: 5017

My Evaluation

Monday 29 March 2010

My final webpage design.

My second draft of my webpage

This is the second draft that i created for my webpage. This is unfinished as half way through some of my class mates commented on some aspects of my page which made me decide to start over to make it better.

I was told that it was far too cluttered and hard to read. I was also told that the layout did not work and that everything was too spread out on the page and there was not enough structure.

Another comment that i received was that the "help" caption in the center of the eye was far too comical and added a comic effect to the website.

Another set of feedback that i received was that the red font that i used was too hard to read and that the page was too bright so therefore the writing did not stand out.

I then decided that when i would create my next draft i would use the "burn tool" throughout so it creates a more eerie and spooky effect to the page and so the writing stands out and is easier to read.

I also wanted to use boxes in my next draft so the whole page could be more structured and appear to be easier to use. I was also told that if i use boxes throughout my page would look neater and less cluttered so therefore is more appealing the my target audience.

I will now upload my final webpage design which i created using all the criticism and feedback that i received from my class.